Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Creating diretory in Gambas2

Hello here we are again, our next tutorials are the File & Directory functions available in Gambas2.It allows the flexibility of Gambas2 in manipulating files and its directories.Below are the list of the current features available in Gambas2 :


Access Tests the access authorization of a file.
COPY Copy a file.
DFree Returns the free space on a device.
Dir Browses a directory.
Exist Checks if a specific file or directory exists.
IsDir Returns if a path points at a directory.
KILL Removes a file.
LINK Creates a symbolic link.
MKDIR Creates a directory.
MOVE Renames or moves a file or a directory.
RDir Browses a directory recursively.
RMDIR Removes an empty directory.
Stat Get information about a file.
Temp$ Makes temporary file names.

1) Create a sample program
2) Choose 1 functions
3) Give examples
4) Discuss the output

Detail(1):Title project

Detail(2) : Create a form

Detail(3) A simple source code


Detail(5) Run the program "File Directory"



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